Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Typical schedule

  • 5:30 Get up. Grace, who arrived here a few days after I did and who began teaching in 1955, will have already showered, made coffee, and cleaned the bathroom.
  • 7:30 Meeting in the principal's office with him and the other teachers. Pep talk and prayer. (It's a Catholic school, don't forget.)
  • 7:40 Breakfast in the gym with kids and other teachers. Sometimes oatmeal, sometimes tortillas with eggs, sometimes cereal and fruit. Maria, a neighbor, is the wonderful cook. Her kids go to school here. Her husband hangs around too to help with various chores and tell jokes.
  • 8:15 Assembly of all kids and teachers in the gym for prayers (it's a Catholic school, don't forget), announcements, and pledge of allegiance. Very orderly and straight-lined. (It's a Catholic school, don't forget.)
  • 8:30 Teach religion to seventeen 4th and 5th-graders.
  • 9:00 Teach language arts, spelling, handwriting, and reading to thirteen 4th-graders.
  • 11:00 Recess and lunch. Bring broom to playground to check for rattlesnakes under playground equipment. (I haven't seen one yet, but I'm pretty sure I saw a mountain lion on the hill behind the swingset.) Lunch is Maria's fare again. Southwestern cuisine or homemade soups. Serve with her in kitchen, then eat with kids.
  • 12:00 Quiet time.
  • 12:15 Teach math to six 3rd-graders. Multiplication, multiplication, multiplication!
  • 1:00 Teach social studies to six 3rd-graders and three 4th-graders. Continents, oceans, natural resources.
  • 1:35 Teach social studies to ten 4th-graders and five 5th-graders. Map keys, the compass rose, latitude, longitude.
  • 2:10 Health or music or art.
  • 3:00 Assembly of all kids and teachers in the gym for the Prayer of St. Francis (it's a Catholic school, don't forget), announcements, and dismissal. Very orderly and straight-lined. (It's a Catholic school, don't forget.)
  • 3:05 Collapse in a heap.

1 comment:

a.pat said...

what memories your daily schedule evoke!!! holy family, mass at 8:15 with class; walk out of church in a straight line and into courtyard at 8:45; single file into classroom, short prayer, pledge of allegiance and start school day. 11:45 single file out of school, walk home for lunch, back at 12:45, single file from courtyard into classroom. 3pm school's done for the day. such regimentation was wonderful.

hope the mommys and daddys are well and all the babies also.

will contact oup soon. be content. pc